HATARAKI Stores Operation Manual


To new staff

Those who have just become new staff members at Hataraki Stores may feel nervous about memorizing all the products and rules, cooperating with other staff on the sales floor, or how to create an effective work environment.

Senior staff active on the sales floor now felt the same way when they first started.
However, through new employee training and on-the-job training at stores, you are sure to improve and gain confidence as you engage in work.
Don't worry, and just keep your eye on the work at hand.

Even after getting accustomed to your work, take a moment to read this manual and look back at what you have achieved.

To senior staff

Staff who have just joined will learn with senior staff as role models.Each new staff is an individual with a different background.
Their experience and way of thinking should be considered during training and guidance.

Customers who visit the store also have various ideas and needs.

It shouldn't just be a matter of simply transmitting knowledge and skills to new staff. You as the senior staff can also learn from training and providing guidance to new staff.

If there is something you are unsure about or don't remember clearly while teaching new staff, check the latest work standards in this manual.

HATARAKI Stores Philosophy

Our mission is to invigorate the "working" people in society through our services.

Working people in society includes those of us providing these services.

We hope you adopt the Hataraki Store philosophy and create a working environment where work is fun for you.

About our values and principles of behavior

Many people with different sets of values and lifestyles live in the Tokyo metropolitan area where we operate.

This is why we need to be able to cater to the wide range of needs and lifestyles of our customers.

It is important that you do not hold on to a fixed preconception of the customer when trying to understand their needs.

Ensure that the store is a place where customers can receive services without unnecessary invasion of their privacy.